Vaccinations are essential to protecting your furry family member from highly contagious and deadly diseases such as canine distemper, parvovirus infection and rabies. Vaccinations are preparations that resemble infectious agents like bacteria or viruses but are not pathogenic (disease causing). They are administered to the body in order to “train” the immune system to protect against these diseases. After vaccination, the immune system is “trained” to recognize and protect against these diseases by producing proteins called antibodies or activating specific cells to kill the diseases. It remembers the virus so should it encounter it again it will be immediately ready.
Experts agree that widespread use of vaccinations within the last century has prevented death and disease in millions of animals. There are lots of illnesses that used to be common but are now rarely seen by vets, thanks to vaccinations.
5 Reasons you should vaccinate
Easy Access – Vaccination is relatively easy to obtain as compared to some medical treatments.
Cost Effective – Vaccination has proven to be less expensive than the cost of treatment for the diseases they protect. Infected pets often require expensive treatment and a long hospitalisation under quarantine away from family.
Ease of living – Vaccination offers pet-owners peace of mind and helps the pet lead safe and healthy lives. While no vaccine is 100 percent effective, the proper inoculations can help your pet resist the illness. Their body will recognise it and fight it off much more effectively. It helps our babies avoid unnecessary pain and discomfort due to the effect of diseases.
Health and Safety - Vaccination ensures that not only our pets but other pets surrounding them enjoy a disease free environment. Low pet vaccination rates also pose a risk to humans in the form of zoonotic diseases - those that can be passed from animal to human - such as leptospirosis and rabies.
Legal considerations – It is a Requirement for pet travel. In some countries it is a legal requirement for pets to be vaccinated.
