What is Canine Arthritis?
Dogs frequently suffer from arthritis. If your pet has this condition, his joints will become inflamed (swollen) and painful as the cartilage and connective tissues of his joints slowly break down.
Warning signs that your canine may be suffering from arthritis include a reluctance to stand up or climb stairs. Other telltale signs of canine arthritis include:
- Your dog favors one side of his body
- Limping, especially when he first gets up
- Swollen joints (especially the hips)
- Reduced appetite
- Aversion to being touched or petted
- Your dog loses interest in activities he previously enjoyed such as running, swimming, playing, etc.
Large canine breeds tend to suffer from arthritis more often than smaller breeds. This is most likely attributable to their extra body weight that puts additional stress upon the joints. What is less clear is why purebred dogs – particularly males – suffer from canine arthritis more often than mixed breeds.
There is no way to entirely eliminate the risk of canine arthritis. But as a pet owner, you can reduce the risk (or severity) by ensuring your dog gets plenty of regular exercise, without overdoing it. This will help keep your dog's joints healthy and well-lubricated. It will also keep him from becoming overweight, which tends to make matters worse.
What is Agile Joints?
Agile Joints was formulated to address mobility and help maintain normal range of motion in canine joints. Older pets in particular may benefit from extra support. It is common for our pet friends to require additional support for joints and connective tissue.
From our holistic veterinarian: "In my practice, almost all pets over the age of ten need some degree of support to maintain normal cartilage."
What is Agile Joints used for?
Appropriate for all joints. Agile Joints is commonly used for shoulders, hip, knees, ankles, elbows and vertebrae. This proprietary blend of herbs works effectively to support the physiology of the joint tissues in all sizes and breeds of canines.
The joints of the body are made up of the bones of the joint, cartilage that covers the ends of the bones, ligaments and a joint capsule that contains synovial fluid. This fluid works to lubricate the joint and works as a shock absorber when your pet walks, jumps and plays. All of these components need to be comfortable and working smoothly for the healthy function of the joint. Additionally, normal circulation into these areas helps to transport nutrients in and take waste products out.
Agile Joints nourishes the components that make up the joint and supports its underlying normal physiology. It also helps protect from free-radical damage that can adversely affect the joint.
A note from our veterinarian...
Agile Joints may work very effectively on its own. If you think your pet requires additional support for joint comfort and mobility, consider using a supplement that provides beneficial antioxidants, such as Pet Wellbeing Core Immune Care.
A good diet goes a long way in maintaining healthy joints and keeping weight within a healthy range. Excess weight will put more stress upon the joints.