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About Feline Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes results when a cat's pancreas fails to produce enough insulin. Sugars build up in the bloodstream rather than entering the body’s tissues where they would otherwise provide energy. (This is why diabetic cats are often lethargic.)

Excess sugar in the bloodstream can lead to several other conditions, including heart, liver and kidney disease, increased infections, slow healing, cataracts, blindness, etc.

Risk factors for feline diabetes include:

  • Obesity
  • Poor diet (high carbohydrate kibble)
  • Steroid treatments
  • Stress and shock
  • Age

Diabetes is more common in:

  • Male cats, generally
  • Cats fed a diet of dry kibble, only
  • Overweight cats
  • Middle-aged and older felines

Common symptoms of feline diabetes mellitus include:

  • Increased thirst, frequent urination
  • Weakness, lethargy
  • Signs of pain in the abdomen
  • Cataracts (eyes cloudy rather than clear)
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle wasting

Diagnosing and Treating Feline Diabetes

If you think your cat may have diabetes, you should take him to a vet. A veterinarian can diagnose feline diabetes mellitus by examining sugar levels in the cat's blood and urine.

A recommended lifestyle change usually includes a healthy species-appropriate diet, high in protein and without complex carbohydrates. If your cat is overweight, you can assist with weight loss through diet and increased exercise. Caution: weight loss should be gradual.

If cats lose weight too quickly or stop eating, they can become prone to a serious illness called hepatic lipidosis (also called fatty liver syndrome). When this happens, excess fat builds up in the cells of the liver. Be very careful when transitioning your feline to a new food to ensure he is eating adequate amounts daily. Cats cannot fast and must ingest some food within each 24 hour period at an absolute minimum!

Treatment will almost certainly include regular injections of insulin. Your cat's feeding regime will be determined when a glucose curve is done by a veterinarian. This will indicate the best time to give insulin and when to feed your cat. Also closely monitor any adjustment in diet, especially if moving from a higher carbohydrate kibble diet to a higher protein, lower carbohydrate diet. Lower carb diets may reduce the percentage of body fat and lower insulin requirements. 

What is Blood Sugar Gold?

Our unique formula has been developed by our holistic veterinarians to support stable feline blood sugar levels. Using the best known herbs for blood sugar support and maintenance, it also contains herbs to support a healthy liver and eyes.

If your veterinarian would like to know more about this product, please download the Professional Reference. Feel free to print this out and bring it to your next vet appointment, in case they have questions about the product.

What is Blood Sugar Gold Used For?

Blood Sugar Gold can be used in tandem with other protocols for supporting healthy blood sugar levels. It is of utmost importance that care is taken to monitor blood sugar levels when using this formula, particularly if using with blood-sugar-lowering drugs. The effectiveness will be individual.

Although the ingredients in this formula are herbal, they are surprisingly effective at lowering blood sugar in cats, especially if an appropriate diet and exercise are part of the program. Cautions are stated to ensure that your cat's blood sugar stays within a healthy range while using this product. That is the most important thing, whether your cat is administered a drug, Blood Sugar Gold, or a combination of the two.

Blood Sugar Gold contains herbs that support the pancreas. It also consists of herbs that support liver function. Part of the liver's role in maintaining blood sugar is to store and release glucose into the bloodstream, as needed. The liver's function is closely tied to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Symptoms brought on by high blood sugar levels (such as increased urination, thirst and low energy) may start to subside for your feline as blood sugar levels start to stabilize.

If your cat has been diagnosed with diabetes, it is essential that his blood sugar levels are kept within a healthy range. Do not substitute Blood Sugar Gold for blood-sugar-lowering drugs. Blood Sugar Gold contains hypoglycemic herbal ingredients, and they may have a large or small affect on your cat's blood sugar levels. For this reason, it is extremely important that levels are monitored when giving this supplement. A glucose curve, taken every two weeks, is recommended.

Can My Cat Take Blood Sugar Gold with Medications?

Blood Sugar Gold may heighten the effect of blood-sugar-lowering drugs. Monitor blood sugar levels closely if administering the product with blood-sugar-lowering drugs. A veterinarian can help to ensure optimal blood sugar levels are maintained. Talk to your veterinarian about how to monitor blood sugar levels at home, and also about monitoring frequency until levels have stabilized. 

If your cat's blood sugar levels are too high, please do not rely on Blood Sugar Gold as the only therapy for your cat. Most cats will require a drug to manage their high blood sugar. In some cases, Blood Sugar Gold will allow the injection amounts to eventually decrease or be eliminated. Careful and gradual is key. Keeping your cat's blood sugar levels healthy is essential.

An examination from a veterinarian is recommended prior to taking this product.

Blood Sugar Gold - for Cat Blood Sugar Support 2oz




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