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What is Lung Gold?

Lung Gold is a combination of natural herbal ingredients, plus vitamin C, designed to help maintain healthy immunity in the lower respiratory tract of felines and ease breathing.

Lung Gold was developed by our holistic veterinarians to help cats boost their innate resistance to harmful infections that affect the lungs. These can compromise breathing and healthy oxygenation of tissues. Lung Gold works deep within the lungs to help maintain open (dilated) airways for easier breathing.

For upper respiratory tract problems (runny eyes & nose, sneezing, hoarse throat and dry, hacking cough), consider Throat Gold. For allergens affecting the lungs, consider Respir-Gold and Nettle-Eyebright Gold to assist with normal allergic response.

What is Lung Gold used for?

Lung Gold can provide added immune support in the lungs and help maintain normal dilation of the airways.

The respiratory system can be divided into two areas: the upper and lower respiratory tract. Lung Gold is ideal for support of the lower, branching bronchi and bronchioles. 

Conditions in the lower respiratory tract can be caused by:

  • Infections (viral, bacterial or fungal)
  • Allergies (environmental, such as to cigarette smoke)
  • Parasites (heartworm, lungworm)

Regardless of the cause, there is compromised ventilation and inadequate gas exchange in the alveoli of the lungs. Alveoli are hollow sacs at the base of the lungs where carbon dioxide is released for exhalation and oxygen is taken in and transported through the blood to oxygenate the rest of the body.

Though Lung Gold may not be the primary support your cat requires, it can provide beneficial, supportive measures. Always seek the consultation of your veterinarian as needed.

A note from our veterinarian...

Respiratory illness can be very serious. At all times, it is important to monitor the progress of your cat and to seek the guidance of your veterinarian as needed.

Indoor and outdoor environmental toxins (such as cigarette smoke, car exhaust) can make a lung problem worse. If your feline is suffering from a lung-related condition, keep the air quality as clean as possible and eliminate additional stressors to the lungs. Provide good indoor ventilation. If the cause is parasitic, it will be necessary to eliminate the parasites.

Serious lung conditions can be painful, lead to lack of interest in food, high white blood cell counts and cause fever.

If you suspect your cat has a serious lung condition, Lung Gold is not the primary care they require. Please be sure to consult your veterinarian.

Lung Gold - Lower Respiratory Tract Support 2oz




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